Leak detection
Leak Correlating

About Correlating

Leak correlating is a technique used to locate leaks in pipelines by analysing sound data. By using multiple sensors to collect data from different points along the pipeline, it is possible to triangulate the location of a leak by analysing the time delays in the sound waves. This technique is useful for detecting leaks that are difficult to locate using traditional methods, and it can help to minimize the damage caused by leaks by allowing for more targeted repairs.


Advantages Of Correlating

  • Simple installation, with no above ground repeaters required.
  • Refining correlation to locate leaks with greater precision
  • Monitoring, acoustic leak monitoring for leak confirmation.

Leak correlating is crucial for companies due to its cost savings, environmental impact, infrastructure integrity, and operational efficiency. It helps ensure regulatory compliance, enhances reputation, reduces downtime, and improves safety.

Additionally, it provides valuable data insights for data-driven decision-making and acts as an early warning system for potential issues.